We let a mama Barn Swallow build a nest on our front porch so we could watch the whole process and it's been fun. There are 5 babies and they are getting big so fast! I wish all of the neighborhood Barn Swallows didn't feel the need to dive at my head when I'm taking pictures, but so far they haven't hit me. Here is their progress over the past few weeks....
"Mama" rarely lets me get close enough to get a picture of her, but I snuck one in one day while she was sitting on her eggs.
I was able to get a few good pictures of her FIVE eggs! Isn't that a lot?
One day, about 17 days or so after we saw that she had laid her eggs, I found a piece of broken shell on the ground and knew that they had hatched...
This was our first glimpse of a baby...it was at least a week after they had hatched.
They were pretty hungry at first...
Now they are quiet when I take pictures. They hunker down and don't move even a little. This pic was taken today. They are getting so big!